Posters Bullfighting Feria de Abril in Seville 2025

By on 26 February, 2025


"Seville already has posters for this year, But not television " by José Antonio Esquinas, the

This half -day Sevillian of 25 February "The poster hall" of the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza has witnessed the presentation of the posters that form the fertilizer for this season 2025.
As usual Ramón Valencia Father accompanied by his son on behalf of the Pagés company made public the posters that form this year the Hispanic fertilizer; With full until ... the door of Circo Street, and expectant media (although already filtered or assumptions, few surprises) The protagonists of the 17 bullfights, 1 of rejones and six bullfights with itchors who form this year's fertilizer.

Don Ramón Valencia made public the base of the posters, Five afternoons for Morante de la Puebla and Cuatro for Luque who will be the coletudos who step more times the baratillo pool, so they will be the basis of the subscription this year, With one less Roca Rey, Manzanares, was without a doubt one of the news of the presentation, Talavante, motivated by the merits of the Coletudos last September, Borja Jiménez, With two Castella, and Perera.
For Valencia a "solid fertilizer, topped and balanced, deluxe", "Where again is committed to last year's winners repeating them this", The businessman apostilled.
Among the proper names, that of Cayetano Rivera that says goodbye, And Emilio de Justo who will not be this year (nor the livestock of the fifth), In this last name Valencia had to stop at repeated questions from the press: "Emilio de Justo's offer was like wanting to raise a war without weapons", In reference to the statement of the farmers Martínez Conradi Ramón Valencia Apostilló: "At no time have I missed my word", And he finished off with "any farmer is told Lidia's day", The theme was settled by his offspring with a "no more questions on this subject".

Another hot topic is television, After the "fall" of One Toro There will be no bulls from Seville on television, For Valencia "they had nothing to offer" referring to the payment platform, "It is a breach of contract," he added to make it clear that obviously the payment channel is already history (As was Movistar Toros before); With the step in front of Tele Madrid in San Isidro it was raised whether possible in Seville with Canal Sur, The businessman gave few or no hope of seeing bulls for the regional: "There has been nothing directly," he said about alleged contacts- , For the rush of time they have no appropriate budgets ”. To close the television chapter he wanted to delve into the failure of One Toro: "They have been economically deflated by the hacking, that they boast about the rivero people of the bull ... ", closing with a "of errors you also learn". But as a good negotiator he dropped: "There is no TV set, But you never know ".
More proper names came to the forefront, some because they are and others because they are not, Of the first "El Fandi", of the second Oliva Soto or Cadaval, Valencia did not want to delve into that issue that they seemed annoying.
Moving to another third, The start schedule of bullfights is delayed half an hour between the days 27 April 11 May at seven in the afternoon, The reason is the heat that may already be in Seville for those dates.
About San Miguel, The company is committed to figures, Three celebrations where those who make good posters and the alternative of Javier Zulueta will be.
Regarding entries, of 17 to the 25 the sale of fertilizers, from the 27 Those who have been free can be acquired. Important is that the company will take for sale 250 fertilizers for young minors of 21 years and retirees in the standing stand 12 (High Sun) "Without price increase".

Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting Previous Years

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2023

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2022

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2021

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2020

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2019

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2018

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2017

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2016

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2015

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2014

See Maestranza in Seville Bullfighting 2013

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